
Jacquie K.

Storm chasing with Silver Lining Tours is an absolute must for any weather junkie. Both tours I went on were led by Roger Hill, and I believe he has a true gift in predicting where tornados are going to form. Continue Reading →

Melanie K.

Convergence. Helicity. CAPE. Shear. Dewpoint. Soundings.

These terms are an integral part of storm chasing, yet they were foreign words to a fledgling storm chaser like myself. But by the end of Silver Lining Tours’ Northland Lecture Tour ’06, these terms became a familiar part of my vocabulary. Continue Reading →

Tim B, London

2006 was, I’m told, a bad year for chasing. 2006 was also my first year chasing and if the magnificent storms I marvelled at were a ‘bad year’ I can’t wait to tour again in a good year. Continue Reading →

John DeLong

As a first time chaser I researched the many tour companies online for hours. I had heard of Roger Hill and his team several times on the weather channel and internet. I knew they had a great reputation and after some very personable and professional emails from Roger himself i decided they deserved my business and I deserved their expertise. Continue Reading →

Donna & Mark Newton

A Storming Good Time! I did not know what to expect on this holiday. I knew seeing any flying cows would be out of the question but I did secretly hope that we would get really close to the storms. I was not disappointed and at one point we were underneath the clouds as they twisted and rotated; groaning while trying to form into that dominating entity. Continue Reading →

Bill & Anna Stromberg

Choosing to go on a tour with Silver Lining gave us the opportunity to witness firsthand the intense beauty that Mother Nature and the Great Plains has to offer up close, all the while knowing we were in safe, experienced hands. Continue Reading →