Tour Guide
Hi to you all, my name is Ken Kremensky, I live in the foothills of San Diego County. I have always been fascinated with the weather, of course growing up in Southern California we do not get a lot of exciting weather. But I enjoy a good Thunderstorm. I started Storm chasing in 2006 and became a guide with SLT in 2009. I am fortunate to be able to go out and guide with Roger and Caryn. The beauty of the storms and countryside are amazing. Great photo opportunities and always learning what Mother nature has to offer. I have seen a lot of great supercells storms with awesome storm structure, lighting and Tornadoes.
I am a Fire Chief for a Fire department in San Diego County. One of my expertise is Wildland Firefighting which goes hand in hand with weather. I have served on national incident management teams for several years in operations managing wild fires across the west as well as hurricane deployments. This will be my 48th Year in the fire Service. I look forward to meeting you and enjoying the experience of storm chasing.