Donna & Mark Newton
A Storming Good Time! I did not know what to expect on this holiday. I knew seeing any flying cows would be out of the question but I did secretly hope that we would get really close to the storms. I was not disappointed and at one point we were underneath the clouds as they twisted and rotated; groaning while trying to form into that dominating entity. We actually saw a tornado on our last chase day and boy, what a tornado the great Roger Hill found for us. We watched for half an hour as this magnificent entity slowly manoeuvred its way towards us before dwindling into a rope and then nothing. I now know that tornados do not ‘pop up’ several times a day across the US and that we were extremely lucky to have witnessed our jewel in the crown, but even if we hadn’t I still would not have been disappointed with our holiday. During our six days we chased through lightening filled skies and were pelted with golf ball size hail. We experienced really strong gusts as they were sucked along with dust and debris into the storms. This definitely satisfied my need for an adrenaline fix. Away from the storms we had a night out in Denver, played a little baseball and met friends we will stay in touch with for the rest of our lives. Our drivers were experts at their jobs and so friendly and Roger Hill is definitely a man who is passionate not only about his storms but making sure his viewing passengers get the show of their lives. This really was a wonderful holiday and one that we will definitely be doing again!